Johnson City: (423) 282-0802 | Harrisonburg: (540) 908-4223
Johnson City: (423) 282-0802 | Harrisonburg: (540) 908-4223


IT Consulting & Planning

Harrisonburg, VA Area

Ever feel lost on how or where to start an IT project? Is a software company asking you questions that might as well be in Greek? IT Decisions is here to help. Whether you need assistance choosing new equipment or require improvements to an existing system, the role of an experienced advisor is crucial.

Consulting serviceconsulting_servicess from IT Decisions include planning and assistance with network design, server and software upgrades, network security, backup planning, and much more. We can even take the reins of an existing IT project and work hand-in-hand with software vendors to make certain hardware requirements are met and your best interests are being upheld.

For more information about our consulting & planning services or to request a free introductory visit to discuss how we might help with your next IT project, please contact us.